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Angenita Daniels

Angenita Daniels


Angenita Daniels is a Case Manager at the Akron Urban League.  She is a current resident of Canton, Ohio in Stark County. She grew up in Akron where most of her family still resides.

She began working for the Akron Urban League in March of 2020, just days after the nation was ordered to shelter in place. She began as the Urban League Youth Support Specialist for CCMEP and now serve as a Success Coach for the Summit County NEXT Initiative. The NEXT Program was designed to meet the needs of those who have had a reduction in government assistance due to an increase in household income. The program offers retention and support services such as success coaching, financial wellness classes, work support services, and cash incentives. As a Success Coach, she assists participants in developing a plan to meet their financial, employment, and educational goals.

She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work from Youngstown State University. She has devoted nearly fifteen years to volunteering as a member of the City of Canton’s Fair Housing Commission. She’s also part of the Youth Development Team at Union Baptist Church of Canton and loves spending time with family and friends.

In her spare time she works on creating items for her small crafting business.